KCWA Community Conversations

The Kula Community Watershed Alliance meets the first and third Thursday of each month at 6pm, via Zoom for “Community Conversations.” In the spirit of our commitment to being “of, by, and for” the communities impacted by the Kula Fire, these gatherings provide a consistent, convenient venue for KCWA project updates, updates from our restoration partners, and have historically served as a way for the community to update one another.

We usually have a guest expert at these gatherings, to continue to enrich our community about topics related to our fire recovery work and current community needs.


  • September 5th - UH Mānoa researcher and professor Dr. Clay Trauernicht, program lead for the Pacific Fire Exchange, whose efforts focus on improving wildland fire management in Hawaii and the Pacific.

  • September 19th - The KCWA team will reveal a “first look” at plans for KCWA’s Community Restoration Nursery, a general overview of how the seed-to-outplanting restoration process works, and share a primer on a host of native species that will play a role in the Kula Fire Restoration Project. Register via Zoom here.

Sign up below to be invited to Join the Alliance and attend our public meetings, learn from our incredible guest speakers, and be updated about opportunities to be involved in our work.