Kula Fuels Reduction Project

Removing invasive hardwoods that are known fire fuels and reoccupying spaces with native forest to bring back moisture and long-term resiliency to Kula moku.

With emphasis on Upper Kula’s Wildland-Urban Interface, this project targets some of Maui’s highest wildfire risks and largest watershed health problems. In 2024, our fire fuels reduction efforts were awarded $300,000 from the USDA U.S. Forest Service Wildland Urban Interface program to further solve these problems.

Our program is focused on:

  • hazard fuel reduction in the WUI in Upper Kula moku;

  • re-occupying land with native forests to shade the land and reduce invasive species regrowth;

  • information and education;

  • assessment and planning; and

  • monitoring through community and landowner action.

The paperwork for this grant is in progress, and eligible landowners will be able to request support very soon.