Site Visits With Neighbors Reveal the Extent of Fire Damage

In late August, a group of our advisors with expertise in restoration in Kula and on Haleakalā began to observe first-hand the conditions in the burned areas along Pōhakuokalā gulch and the surrounding watershed.

These informal visits served as an opportunity to talk with landowners about their vision for their piece of the watershed, and to document hazards, areas where work crews can access the gulch, and to gather drone footage and photography.

Aerial shot at the top of the Kulamanu subdivision

Aerial shot near the bottom of the Kulalani subdivision

Aerial shot by the Pōhakuokalā/Pūlehu bridge, top of the Kulalani subdivision

While the first visits to the burned areas were sobering, and continue to be as they are ongoing, the data gathered and relationships built will serve the hui’s needs and assist in realizing their vision of a restored watershed.

Aerial photography provided by Ryan Toaspern.


Mulch the Gulch!


Kula Fire Survivors Gather and Vote to Become a Hui